
Input: Ser()

A formal indeterminate (formal variable) which may be used to construct formal power series (or Laurent series, Puiseux series) as algebraic objects.

Input: Equal(SequenceLimit(Ser()**n, For(n, Infinity)), 0)
$$\lim_{n \to \infty} {x}^{n} = 0$$

Powers of series indeterminates converge in the topology of formal power series. (This is in contrast to Pol indeterminates, for which this limit does not exist.)

Input: Equal(Exp(Ser()), Sum(Ser()**n / Factorial(n), For(n, 0, Infinity)))
$$\exp\!\left(x\right) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{{x}^{n}}{n !}$$

Analytic functions can be applied to formal power series, generating new formal power series. (This is in contrast to Pol indeterminates, with Exp(Pol()) representing a formal exponential polynomial.)

Last updated: 2020-03-06 00:22:16