
Input: Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
$$\displaystyle{\begin{pmatrix}1 & 2 & 3 \\4 & 5 & 6\end{pmatrix}}$$

Matrix with explicit elements.

Input: Matrix(f(i,j), For(i, 1, m), For(j, 1, n))
$$\displaystyle{\begin{pmatrix} f\!\left(1, 1\right) & f\!\left(1, 2\right) & \cdots & f\!\left(1, n\right) \\ f\!\left(2, 1\right) & f\!\left(2, 2\right) & \cdots & f\!\left(2, n\right) \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ f\!\left(m, 1\right) & f\!\left(m, 2\right) & \ldots & f\!\left(m, n\right) \end{pmatrix}}$$

Matrix with entries $f\!\left(i, j\right)$ for row indices $1 \le i \le m$ and column indices $1 \le j \le n$.

Input: Matrix(c_(i,j), For(i, 0, m), For(j, 0, n))
$$\displaystyle{\begin{pmatrix} c_{0, 0} & c_{0, 1} & \cdots & c_{0, n} \\ c_{1, 0} & c_{1, 1} & \cdots & c_{1, n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ c_{m, 0} & c_{m, 1} & \ldots & c_{m, n} \end{pmatrix}}$$

Matrix with entries $c_{i, j}$ for row indices $0 \le i \le m$ and column indices $0 \le j \le n$.

Last updated: 2020-03-06 00:22:16