Input: PolynomialFractions(K, x)
$$K(x)$$The set of values that can be expressed using quotients of polynomial expressions with coefficients in the field $K$ together with $x$. If $x$ is formal polynomial indeterminate, this describes a field of formal rational functions.
$$K(x, y, z)$$
The set of formal rational functions in the three indeterminates $\left(x, y, z\right)$, with coefficients in the field $K$.
$$\frac{x}{{x}^{2} + 1} \in \mathbb{Q}(x)$$
An element of a formal rational function field.
$$\frac{1}{\pi} \in \mathbb{Q}(\pi)$$
An element of a transcendental number field.
Last updated: 2020-03-06 00:22:16