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From Ordner, a catalog of real numbers in Fungrim.

DecimalExpression [entries]Frequency
16.000000000000000000000000000016     [033d39 faf448 e30d7e 9933df 85e42e 9d5b81 b506ad e93ca8 2f3ed3 c5a9cf e2bc80 f8d280 d496b8 5404ce 6d2880 4d26ec 6d37c9 5818e3 618a9f 67e015 e5bd3c 303827 7cb17f 664b4c 4da2cd e85723 3a56d8 5dd24a 71d9d9 921f34 856db2 4c6267 799894 2991b5 e1e106 aed6bd 569d5c 7466a2 e96684 dc558b 060366 fddfe6 fd8310 997777 3047b1 0701dc dd5f43 3fb309 a8657e 338b5c 8c4ab4 4877f2 7f8a58 c05ed8 a3035f 1e142c 2e1cc7 3009a7 86d68c 177218 5c9675 6cbce8]
Neg(-16)     [20b6d2 e50a56]
Totient(17)     [6d37c9]
Totient(48)     [6d37c9]
Totient(60)     [6d37c9]
Totient(40)     [6d37c9]
Totient(34)     [6d37c9]
Totient(32)     [6d37c9]
Im(Mul(16, ConstI))     [0701dc]
64 (#20)

Copyright (C) Fredrik Johansson and contributors. Fungrim is provided under the MIT license. The source code is on GitHub.

2021-03-15 19:12:00.328586 UTC