E(m) = \frac{1 - m}{3} \left(R_D\!\left(0, 1 - m, 1\right) + R_D\!\left(0, 1, 1 - m\right)\right) m \in \mathbb{C} \;\mathbin{\operatorname{and}}\; m \ne 1
Fungrim symbol | Notation | Short description |
EllipticE | Legendre complete elliptic integral of the second kind | |
CarlsonRD | Degenerate Carlson symmetric elliptic integral of the third kind | |
CC | Complex numbers |
Source code for this entry:
Entry(ID("41cf8e"), Formula(Equal(EllipticE(m), Mul(Div(Sub(1, m), 3), Add(CarlsonRD(0, Sub(1, m), 1), CarlsonRD(0, 1, Sub(1, m)))))), Variables(m), Assumptions(And(Element(m, CC), NotEqual(m, 1))))