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Fungrim entry: 0b4d4b

QD={(a,b,c):aZ1  and  bZ  and  cZ  and  b24ac=D  and  bac  and  ((b=a  or  a=c)        (b0))  and  gcd ⁣(a,b,c)=1}\mathcal{Q}^{*}_{D} = \left\{ \left(a, b, c\right) : a \in \mathbb{Z}_{\ge 1} \;\mathbin{\operatorname{and}}\; b \in \mathbb{Z} \;\mathbin{\operatorname{and}}\; c \in \mathbb{Z} \;\mathbin{\operatorname{and}}\; {b}^{2} - 4 a c = D \;\mathbin{\operatorname{and}}\; \left|b\right| \le a \le c \;\mathbin{\operatorname{and}}\; \left(\left(\left|b\right| = a \;\mathbin{\operatorname{or}}\; a = c\right) \;\implies\; \left(b \ge 0\right)\right) \;\mathbin{\operatorname{and}}\; \gcd\!\left(a, b, c\right) = 1 \right\}
Assumptions:D{3,4,}  and  Dmod4{0,3}D \in \{-3, -4, \ldots\} \;\mathbin{\operatorname{and}}\; -D \bmod 4 \in \left\{0, 3\right\}
  • H. Cohen, A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory, Springer, 1993, Definition 5.3.2
\mathcal{Q}^{*}_{D} = \left\{ \left(a, b, c\right) : a \in \mathbb{Z}_{\ge 1} \;\mathbin{\operatorname{and}}\; b \in \mathbb{Z} \;\mathbin{\operatorname{and}}\; c \in \mathbb{Z} \;\mathbin{\operatorname{and}}\; {b}^{2} - 4 a c = D \;\mathbin{\operatorname{and}}\; \left|b\right| \le a \le c \;\mathbin{\operatorname{and}}\; \left(\left(\left|b\right| = a \;\mathbin{\operatorname{or}}\; a = c\right) \;\implies\; \left(b \ge 0\right)\right) \;\mathbin{\operatorname{and}}\; \gcd\!\left(a, b, c\right) = 1 \right\}

D \in \{-3, -4, \ldots\} \;\mathbin{\operatorname{and}}\; -D \bmod 4 \in \left\{0, 3\right\}
Fungrim symbol Notation Short description
PrimitiveReducedPositiveIntegralBinaryQuadraticFormsQD\mathcal{Q}^{*}_{D} Primitive reduced positive integral binary quadratic forms
ZZGreaterEqualZn\mathbb{Z}_{\ge n} Integers greater than or equal to n
ZZZ\mathbb{Z} Integers
Powab{a}^{b} Power
Absz\left|z\right| Absolute value
GCDgcd ⁣(a,b)\gcd\!\left(a, b\right) Greatest common divisor
ZZLessEqualZn\mathbb{Z}_{\le n} Integers less than or equal to n
Source code for this entry:
    Formula(Equal(PrimitiveReducedPositiveIntegralBinaryQuadraticForms(D), Set(Tuple(a, b, c), For(Tuple(a, b, c)), And(Element(a, ZZGreaterEqual(1)), Element(b, ZZ), Element(c, ZZ), Equal(Sub(Pow(b, 2), Mul(Mul(4, a), c)), D), LessEqual(Abs(b), a, c), Parentheses(Implies(Or(Equal(Abs(b), a), Equal(a, c)), GreaterEqual(b, 0))), Equal(GCD(a, b, c), 1))))),
    Assumptions(And(Element(D, ZZLessEqual(-3)), Element(Mod(Neg(D), 4), Set(0, 3)))),
    References("H. Cohen, A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory, Springer, 1993, Definition 5.3.2"))

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2021-03-15 19:12:00.328586 UTC