Fungrim symbol | Notation | Short description |
Entry | Entry | |
ID | Entry ID | |
Formula | Formula | |
Variables | Declaration of variables | |
Assumptions | Assumptions (domain declaration) for the variables | |
References | References | |
Description | Text description | |
For | General-purpose generator | |
ForElement | Generator for all the elements of a set | |
Repeat | Repeating sequence | |
Step | Enumerated sequence | |
Parentheses | Parentheses | |
Brackets | Square brackets | |
Braces | Curly braces | |
HurwitzZeta | Hurwitz zeta function | |
Not | Logical not | |
And | Logical and | |
Or | Logical or | |
Equivalent | Logical equivalence | |
Implies | Logical implication | |
Set | Set with given elements | |
Cardinality | Set cardinality | |
PowerSet | Power set | |
Union | Set union | |
Intersection | Set intersection | |
SetMinus | Set difference | |
Element | Set membership | |
NotElement | Set non-membership | |
Subset | Strict subset | |
SubsetEqual | Subset | |
ZZ | Integers | |
Rational numbers | ||
RR | Real numbers | |
CC | Complex numbers | |
AlgebraicNumbers | Algebraic numbers | |
Infinity | Positive infinity | |
UnsignedInfinity | Unsigned infinity | |
ZZGreaterEqual | Integers greater than or equal to n | |
ZZLessEqual | Integers less than or equal to n | |
Range | Integers between given endpoints | |
ClosedInterval | Closed interval | |
OpenInterval | Open interval | |
ClosedOpenInterval | Closed-open interval | |
OpenClosedInterval | Open-closed interval | |
Sum | Sum | |
Product | Product | |
PrimeSum | Sum over primes | |
PrimeProduct | Product over primes | |
DivisorSum | Sum over divisors | |
DivisorProduct | Product over divisors | |
Zeros | Zeros (roots) of function | |
UniqueZero | Unique zero (root) of function | |
Solutions | Solution set | |
UniqueSolution | Unique solution | |
Supremum | Supremum of a set or function | |
Infimum | Infimum of a set or function | |
Minimum | Minimum value of a set or function | |
Maximum | Maximum value of a set or function | |
ArgMin | Locations of minimum value | |
ArgMax | Locations of maximum value | |
ArgMinUnique | Unique location of minimum value | |
ArgMaxUnique | Unique location of maximum value | |
Limit | Limiting value | |
SequenceLimit | Limiting value of sequence | |
RealLimit | Limiting value, real variable | |
LeftLimit | Limiting value, from the left | |
RightLimit | Limiting value, from the right | |
ComplexLimit | Limiting value, complex variable | |
MeromorphicLimit | Limiting value, allowing poles | |
SequenceLimitInferior | Limit inferior of sequence | |
SequenceLimitSuperior | Limit superior of sequence | |
Derivative | Derivative | |
RealDerivative | Real derivative | |
ComplexDerivative | Complex derivative | |
ComplexBranchDerivative | Complex derivative, allowing branch cuts | |
MeromorphicDerivative | Complex derivative, allowing poles | |
Integral | Integral | |
IndefiniteIntegralEqual | Indefinite integral | |
RealIndefiniteIntegralEqual | Indefinite integral, real derivative | |
ComplexIndefiniteIntegralEqual | Indefinite integral, complex derivative | |
IsHolomorphic | Holomorphic predicate | |
IsMeromorphic | Meromorphic predicate | |
ComplexZeroMultiplicity | Multiplicity (order) of complex zero | |
Residue | Complex residue | |
Path | Line path | |
CurvePath | Path along a curve | |
AnalyticContinuation | Analytic continuation | |
Sign | Sign function | |
Abs | Absolute value | |
Arg | Complex argument | |
Re | Real part | |
Im | Imaginary part | |
Conjugate | Complex conjugate | |
Csgn | Real-valued sign function for complex numbers | |
ConstGamma | The constant gamma (0.577...) | |
Pi | The constant pi (3.14...) | |
GoldenRatio | The golden ratio (1.618...) | |
ConstI | Imaginary unit | |
Exp | Exponential function | |
ConstE | The constant e (2.718...) | |
Pow | Power | |
Sqrt | Principal square root | |
Sin | Sine | |
Sinc | Sinc function | |
Atan | Inverse tangent | |
Atan2 | Two-argument inverse tangent | |
AGM | Arithmetic-geometric mean | |
AGMSequence | Convergents in AGM iteration | |
EllipticK | Legendre complete elliptic integral of the first kind | |
EllipticE | Legendre complete elliptic integral of the second kind | |
EllipticPi | Legendre complete elliptic integral of the third kind | |
IncompleteEllipticF | Legendre incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind | |
IncompleteEllipticE | Legendre incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind | |
IncompleteEllipticPi | Legendre incomplete elliptic integral of the third kind | |
CarlsonRF | Carlson symmetric elliptic integral of the first kind | |
CarlsonRG | Carlson symmetric elliptic integral of the second kind | |
CarlsonRJ | Carlson symmetric elliptic integral of the third kind | |
CarlsonRC | Degenerate Carlson symmetric elliptic integral of the first kind | |
CarlsonRD | Degenerate Carlson symmetric elliptic integral of the third kind | |
CarlsonHypergeometricR | Carlson multivariate hypergeometric function | |
CarlsonHypergeometricT | Term in expansion of Carlson multivariate hypergeometric function | |
LambertW | Lambert W-function | |
LambertWPuiseuxCoefficient | Coefficient in scaled Puiseux expansion of Lambert W-function | |
GCD | Greatest common divisor | |
LCM | Least common multiple | |
XGCD | Extended greatest common divisor | |
Factorial | Factorial | |
Binomial | Binomial coefficient | |
RisingFactorial | Rising factorial | |
FallingFactorial | Falling factorial | |
Fibonacci | Fibonacci number | |
Gamma | Gamma function | |
LogGamma | Logarithmic gamma function | |
StirlingSeriesRemainder | Remainder term in the Stirling series for the logarithmic gamma function | |
ChebyshevT | Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind | |
ChebyshevU | Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind | |
Log | Natural logarithm | |
PartitionsP | Integer partition function | |
HardyRamanujanA | Exponential sum in the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher formula | |
RiemannZeta | Riemann zeta function | |
RiemannZetaZero | Nontrivial zero of the Riemann zeta function | |
RiemannHypothesis | Riemann hypothesis | |
DeBruijnNewmanLambda | De Bruijn-Newman constant | |
KeiperLiLambda | Keiper-Li coefficient | |
StieltjesGamma | Stieltjes constant | |
AiryAi | Airy function of the first kind | |
AiryBi | Airy function of the second kind | |
BesselJ | Bessel function of the first kind | |
BesselY | Bessel function of the second kind | |
BesselI | Modified Bessel function of the first kind | |
BesselK | Modified Bessel function of the second kind | |
HankelH1 | Hankel function of the first kind | |
HankelH2 | Hankel function of the second kind | |
CoulombF | Regular Coulomb wave function | |
CoulombG | Irregular Coulomb wave function | |
CoulombH | Outgoing and ingoing Coulomb wave function | |
CoulombC | Coulomb wave function Gamow factor | |
CoulombSigma | Coulomb wave function phase shift | |
BernoulliB | Bernoulli number | |
BernoulliPolynomial | Bernoulli polynomial | |
StirlingCycle | Unsigned Stirling number of the first kind | |
StirlingS1 | Signed Stirling number of the first kind | |
StirlingS2 | Stirling number of the second kind | |
HH | Upper complex half-plane | |
Hypergeometric2F1 | Gauss hypergeometric function | |
Hypergeometric2F1Regularized | Regularized Gauss hypergeometric function | |
Hypergeometric0F1 | Confluent hypergeometric limit function | |
Hypergeometric0F1Regularized | Regularized confluent hypergeometric limit function | |
Hypergeometric1F1 | Kummer confluent hypergeometric function | |
Hypergeometric1F1Regularized | Regularized Kummer confluent hypergeometric function | |
HypergeometricU | Tricomi confluent hypergeometric function | |
HypergeometricUStar | Scaled Tricomi confluent hypergeometric function | |
Hypergeometric2F0 | Tricomi confluent hypergeometric function, alternative notation | |
HypergeometricUStarRemainder | Error term in asymptotic expansion of Tricomi confluent hypergeometric function | |
Erf | Error function | |
Erfc | Complementary error function | |
Erfi | Imaginary error function | |
JacobiTheta | Jacobi theta function | |
JacobiThetaPermutation | Index permutation in modular transformation of Jacobi theta functions | |
JacobiThetaEpsilon | Root of unity in modular transformation of Jacobi theta functions | |
WeierstrassP | Weierstrass elliptic function | |
WeierstrassZeta | Weierstrass zeta function | |
WeierstrassSigma | Weierstrass sigma function | |
Lattice | Complex lattice with periods a, b | |
PP | Prime numbers | |
PrimeNumber | nth prime number | |
PrimePi | Prime counting function | |
SL2Z | Modular group | |
PSL2Z | Modular group (canonical representatives) | |
ModularGroupAction | Action of modular group | |
ModularGroupFundamentalDomain | Fundamental domain for action of the modular group | |
ModularJ | Modular j-invariant | |
PrimitiveReducedPositiveIntegralBinaryQuadraticForms | Primitive reduced positive integral binary quadratic forms | |
HilbertClassPolynomial | Hilbert class polynomial | |
DedekindEta | Dedekind eta function | |
EulerQSeries | Euler's q-series | |
DedekindEtaEpsilon | Root of unity in the functional equation of the Dedekind eta function | |
DedekindSum | Dedekind sum | |
EisensteinG | Eisenstein series | |
EisensteinE | Normalized Eisenstein series | |
ModularLambda | Modular lambda function | |
ModularLambdaFundamentalDomain | Fundamental domain of the modular lambda function | |
DirichletGroup | Dirichlet characters with given modulus | |
PrimitiveDirichletCharacters | Primitive Dirichlet characters with given modulus | |
DirichletCharacter | Dirichlet character | |
ConreyGenerator | Conrey generator | |
DiscreteLog | Discrete logarithm | |
DirichletL | Dirichlet L-function | |
GeneralizedBernoulliB | Generalized Bernoulli number | |
DirichletLZero | Nontrivial zero of Dirichlet L-function | |
GeneralizedRiemannHypothesis | Generalized Riemann hypothesis | |
DirichletLambda | Completed Dirichlet L-function | |
GaussSum | Gauss sum | |
BetaFunction | Beta function | |
IncompleteBeta | Incomplete beta function | |
IncompleteBetaRegularized | Regularized incomplete beta function | |
Totient | Euler totient function | |
LandauG | Landau's function | |
ConstCatalan | Catalan's constant | |
DigammaFunction | Digamma function | |
DigammaFunctionZero | Zero of the digamma function | |
SloaneA | Sequence X in Sloane's OEIS | |
MultiZetaValue | Multiple zeta value (MZV) | |
BellNumber | Bell number | |
BarnesG | Barnes G-function | |
LogBarnesG | Logarithmic Barnes G-function | |
LogBarnesGRemainder | Remainder term in asymptotic expansion of logarithmic Barnes G-function | |
HalphenConstant | Halphen's constant (one-ninth constant) 0.10765... | |
Cos | Cosine | |
SquaresR | Sum of squares function | |
LiouvilleLambda | Liouville function | |
DivisorSigma | Sum of divisors function | |
MoebiusMu | Möbius function | |
KroneckerDelta | Kronecker delta | |
LegendrePolynomial | Legendre polynomial | |
LegendrePolynomialZero | Legendre polynomial zero | |
GaussLegendreWeight | Gauss-Legendre quadrature weight | |
HermitePolynomial | Hermite polynomial | |
BernsteinEllipse | Bernstein ellipse with foci -1,+1 and semi-axis sum rho | |
UnitCircle | Unit circle | |
Matrix2x2 | Two by two matrix | |
LogIntegral | Logarithmic integral | |
RiemannXi | Riemann xi-function | |
PowerSeries | Formal power series | |
LaurentSeries | Formal Laurent series | |
List | List with given elements | |
Tuple | Tuple with given elements |
Copyright (C) Fredrik Johansson and contributors. Fungrim is provided under the MIT license. The source code is on GitHub.
2021-03-15 19:12:00.328586 UTC