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Fungrim entry: 96f695

Symbol: ComplexBranchDerivative ddzf ⁣(z)\frac{d}{d z}\, f\!\left(z\right) Complex derivative, allowing branch cuts
The call syntax for this operator is the same as for Derivative.
This operator is equivalent to ComplexDerivative except that whereas ComplexDerivative is undefined on a branch cut (where the function is not complex differentiable), ComplexBranchDerivative gives the complex derivative of the analytically continued function across the branch cut.
Fungrim symbol Notation Short description
ComplexBranchDerivativeddzf ⁣(z)\frac{d}{d z}\, f\!\left(z\right) Complex derivative, allowing branch cuts
Derivativeddzf ⁣(z)\frac{d}{d z}\, f\!\left(z\right) Derivative
ComplexDerivativeddzf ⁣(z)\frac{d}{d z}\, f\!\left(z\right) Complex derivative
Source code for this entry:
    SymbolDefinition(ComplexBranchDerivative, ComplexBranchDerivative(Call(f, z), For(z, z)), "Complex derivative, allowing branch cuts"),
    Description("The call syntax for this operator is the same as for", SourceForm(Derivative), "."),
    Description("This operator is equivalent to", SourceForm(ComplexDerivative), "except that whereas", SourceForm(ComplexDerivative), "is undefined on a branch cut (where the function is not complex differentiable),", SourceForm(ComplexBranchDerivative), "gives the complex derivative of the analytically continued function across the branch cut."))

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2021-03-15 19:12:00.328586 UTC